Wow - I Think Your Review Site Templates Just Got Retired...

If you're an affiliate marketer, you've probably had occasion to try cobbling together a product review site or two. Unfortunately, whenever someone tries this and get his hands dirty with HTML, the end result was never pretty - even when I was using someone's borrowed templates to do it. 

Well, maybe we don't have to worry about doing this anymore. It seems that a clever marketer named Stephen Carter has figured out how to build mini review sites without needing to touch a single template. Better yet, he claims his software will build the kind of affiliate review sites that make Google love you. 

To be honest, I have heard these kinds of claims before, so I almost didn't bother checking this out. But, was I pleasantly surprised. This guy's mini review site is a thing of both artistic and engineering beauty. But don't take my word for it. Go check out the demo site at Affiliate Review Site Monopoly to see what I mean. 

Seriously, that software does it all. Review pages, articles, an automatic product comparison page. Even a search engine. And every page appears to be completely SEO optimized. 

But that's not the best thing. Stephen Carter is actually GIVING AWAY a software license with every copy of his ebook about running successful review sites. 

It doesn't make sense to me, and I don't know how long the offer will last, but it sounds like something worth jumping on while you can. I know that if I had to pay someone to create a site like that for me it would easily cost me $5000 (as on or I suggest you grab a copy now before Stephen figures this out for himself.