What is Survey

Business Dictionary:


 1. Process by which a parcel of land is measured and its area ascertained.
2. Plan showing the measurements, boundaries, area, and contours. 

 : Real Estate Dictionary


1. the process by which a parcel of land is measured and its area ascertained.
2. The plan showing the measurements, boundaries, area, and contours.Example: A simplified survey .
3. A detailed canvass of attitudes or market characteristics.Example:
• A survey of residents showed that 95% favored zoning laws.
• A market survey was conducted to learn the rental rate in each office building in the CBD.

v., -veyed, -vey·ing, -veys.v.tr.
  1. To examine or look at comprehensively.
  2. To inspect carefully; scrutinize: "Two women were surveying the other people on the platform" (Thomas Wolfe). 
  3. To determine the boundaries, area, or elevations of (land or structures on the earth's surface) by means of measuring angles and distances, using the techniques of geometry and trigonometry.
  4. Chiefly British. To inspect and determine the structural condition of (a building).
  5. To conduct a statistical survey on.
  6. To range one's gaze leisurely over.
To make a survey.

n., pl., -veys. (sûr'')
  1. A detailed inspection or investigation.
  2. A general or comprehensive view.
  3. A gathering of a sample of data or opinions considered to be representative of a whole.
    1. The process of surveying.
    2. A report on or map of what has been surveyed.
    3. An administrative agency charged with the responsibility of surveying: the U.S. Geological Survey.
[Middle English surveien, from Old French surveeir, from Medieval Latin supervidēre : Latin super-, super- + Latin vidēre, to look.]
surveyor sur·vey'or n.

Source: http://www.answers.com
Article source: http://www.answers.com/topic/survey